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Routing is how Web API matches a URI to an action. Web API 2 supports a new type of routing, called attribute routing . As the name implies, attribute routing uses attributes to ......
New post: Secure ASP.NET Web API 2 using Azure Active Directory, Owin Middleware, and ADAL. New post: Two Factor Authentication in ASP.NET Web API & AngularJS using Google Authenticator. The demo application can be accessed on (http ......
A guide to asynchronous file uploads in ASP.NET Web API RTM Because files neeed to be uplaoded sometimes It’s been 2 weeks since Web API has been released, and in a post highlighting the changes, I mentioned I will write an updated tutorial on file upload...
Radenko Zec: ASP.NET Identity 2.1 implementation for MySQL In this blog post I will try to cover how to use a custom ASP.NET identity provider for MySQL I have created. Default ASP.NET Identity provider uses Entity Framework and SQL Server to store ......
This tutorial will demonstrate how to use the Twitter API in WebMatrix using Razor. If you do not understand the basic concepts of WebMatrix you should go to for discussion and additional tutorials. You can also down...
ASP.NET Web API related projects. It touches most parts of the technology through the articles on Data Streaming, Working with HTTPS and Extending Web API Documentation.; Author: Wonde Tadesse; Updated: 8 Dec 2014; Section: ASP.NET; Chapter: Web ......
Happy Tuesday! It's indeed a happy day as I am (literally this moment) at a conference in Las Vegas and have just pressed Publish on this blog post to announce that we are open sourcing ASP.NET MVC 4, ASP.NET Web API, ASP.NET Web Pages v2 (Razor) all ......
Have you tried to POST to a WebApi with Chrome and passing data in the body? I can't get this to work and if I can't figure this out then WebApi development in my company will be dead and not only will that suck but I'll look really bad because I've been ...