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      • ifyoulikeitsomuchwhydontyougol
        Thanks to Beth. Here’s a horrible indictment on the state of the NHS, colourfully illustrated by a woman giving birth in the middle of a hospital waiting room in full public view. The response from readers of the Standard? She’s fahckin’ brahn, intshe. co
        To have the Kingdom, baby, tell me why My oh my do you wanna say goodbye? To rule the country, baby, you and I?) AQUA – My Oh My - My Oh M.
    Comments in response to this post from the original blog: Great column today, Julia! (And yesterday, too). I don’t have a bunch of time to comment on the fact that I really AM a Prince of a guy, but I have to say that, of those questions you asked, the on...
    Many diet books advise people to chew slowly so they will feel full after eating less food than if they ate quickly. As we explain in the current issue of the Harvard Mental Health Letter, eating slowly doesn’t always work, but when it does, the reason ha...
    Sarkeesian was after $6,000 to cover the cost of researching the topic, playing all kinds of awful games, and producing the videos. Seems reasonable, doesn't it? Even if you don't like the idea - or don't believe that women are poorly represented in games...
    This didn't really help me because i don't know why but i just got really depressed a few days ago. I mean I've had a really tough life but i thought that if i ignored to problem it would go away, I was obviously wrong. I just wanna stop having to put on ...
    In the past six years of being a professional wedding photographer, it's also been sad to watch the progression from seeing smiling, encouraging and happy faces as the bride is escorted up the aisle to faces hidden behind the backs of cameras and cel......
    Aping a wild gorilla's eating habits could dramatically improve your health -- or may even add years to your life, by reducing your risk for killer diseases like diabetes, heart attack, stroke and dementia. What's more, embracing your inner beast could he...
    I am thrilled I chose a career as a nurse practitioner and recommend it to almost everyone! My career provides me a flexible schedule, an interesting and challenging ... Thank you for this blog. I have been interested in a graduate nursing program for a w...