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Project Description The original open source Wifi Hotpot for Windows 7, Windows 8 and Windows Server 2012! Donate to the Project View Frequently Asked Questions | Share on Twitter! What is Virtual Router? Virtual Router is a free, open source software bas...
More and more new devices are using Wi-Fi Direct. Wi-Fi Direct allows two devices to establish a direct, peer-to-peer Wi-Fi connection without requiring a wireless router. Wi-Fi becomes a way of communicating wirelessly, like Bluetooth....
wireless networking - How do I connect a laptop running Windows 7 to an Android phone using WiFi Dir
From where I am sitting, Windows 7 does not appear to support WiFi Direct connections to Android mobile devices. Specifically, turning on WiFi Direct on my Samsung Galaxy S ......
wifi direct free download - WiFi Protector Protect your Wifi connection from external users, and much more programs. ... Articles wifi direct 7 tricks to solve almost any Wi-Fi problem by Fabrizio Ferri-Benedetti The most common problems with ...
OverviewWi-Fi Direct functionality is enabled by Windows through additional NDIS ports and operation modes. ... Overview Wi-Fi Direct functionality is enabled by Windows through additional NDIS ports and operation modes. NDIS ports are used to represent e...
Bonjour aujourd'hui je fait ce tutoriel pour aider les personnes comme moi qui chercher à comment transformer son pc en point d'accès WiFi. ====== Informations: (Executez la cmd en administrateur) Créer le réseau netsh wlan set hostednetwork ssid=nom key...
Free Wifi HotSpot software to turn your windows 7 or windows 8 pc into a Wireless Wifi HotSpot. ... Wifi HotSpot" can easily turn your windows pc into a wireless-wifi hotspot. It turns your Windows 7 or Windows 8 computer into a virtual router....
Magic V5 WIFI display adaptor Share windows pc android IOS smart cellphone page to your HDTV Sample are available at 25usd /pc only . Cheaper than Chromecast but with more functions and more fun . pls feel free to conact me to benefit from this fantatic o...