榮耀之聲--055 Still 安靜--Hillsong ...中英文歌詞字幕...英文詩歌 - YouTube

榮耀之聲--055 Still 安靜--Hillsong ...中英文歌詞字幕...英文詩歌 - YouTube

Hide me now 藏我在 Under Your wings 翅膀蔭下 Cover me 遮蓋我 Within Your mighty hand 在你大能手中 When the oceans rise and thunders roar 當大海翻騰波濤洶湧 I will soar with You above the storm 我與你展翅暴風上空 Father you are King over the flood 父,你仍作王在洪水中 I will be ......看更多