三星Galaxy S4 | 新的三星手機 - Samsung Cell phones reviews, prices and compares Galaxy s4 2013 2014

三星Galaxy S4 | 新的三星手機 - Samsung Cell phones reviews, prices and compares Galaxy s4 2013 2014

三星Galaxy S4 would have a 微妙的身體 of 9.3 毫米. 在其背景 there would be a 12-萬像素的攝像頭, in a 2500 毫安時的電池, which is 400 毫安時 more than the 內置三星Galaxy S3. 將 it be enough to 滿足 the 要求 of 5-英寸的屏幕 and a 速度更快的處理器 will not of ......看更多